Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thank God for Buffalo Wild Wings!

Today is Thursday so I stopped at one of my favorite Buffalo Wild Wings today for boneless wings. Boneless Thursday's are the best! It was after the lunch rush and I pretty much had my work done for the day so I bellied up to the bar and had a beer with my wings. After all, what sense is there in owning your own business if you can't have a beer in the middle of the day? Ben Franklin once said that "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." If Buffalo Wild Wings had been around in the 1700's I'm convinced that he would have said "Beer and Wings are proof that God Loves us and wants us to be happy."

Anyway, I had my wings and was finishing my beer when one of the managers let me know that he had taken care of my wings (yes, he took them off of my bill). Our business deep cleans almost all of the restrooms at the Buffalo Wild Wings in Central Ohio and, as we do with all jobs, when we clean their restrooms we do so as we would "unto the Lord." (Did you ever think about how hard you would work at a task if you knew that God assigned it to you?) The manager said that Sparkling Image always does a good job for him and he appreciated our work. We then launched into a discussion on public restrooms that would have turned most stomachs, but I was on cloud 9. After all, my work was appreciated!

Feeling as great as I did (not just from the beer), I gave the bartender a nice tip, shook the manager's hand and left feeling that life is great. The manager was happy, I was happy, and the bartender was happy. I think that's how God's economy works. We blessed Buffalo Wild Wings through our efforts in deep cleaning their restrooms, the happy manager blessed me with free wings when I didn't expect it, and I blessed the bartender out of appreciation for his work. In MBA programs and in corporate America I believe a very different formula for success is being taught. The world view of economics teaches us to extract value rather than give it. It teaches us that sucess lies with whoever has the most "stuff" (I think success lies with whoever gets free wings for his efforts!). The world would have us believe that success can be found on a spreadsheet rather than in a handshake. That's fine for everyone else but as for me and the other Sparkling Image Techs, we will serve the Lord and bless as many people as we can with faith that those blessings will be returned to us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great Post Bob.
Have you ever read "The Go-Giver" by Bob Burg? It talks about the same type of giving attitude and he tells it in the form of a parable. Very good stuff.